Life at IIT-Bombay

This is the most mainstream thing that any IITian could write about: His/Her life at IIT-Bombay. So just lets gets this written and done once and for all.

So, at the time of writing this post, I was sort of enjoying my summer vacations after completing my second year at the institute. Let me sum up my experience with this blog post.

After entering this institute, all the aura surrouding this mysterious place disappeared within a few days. Since I lived pretty close to the institiute, I would take a peek in through the gate and wonder if I would ever get admitted here. And the rest is, as they say, history.

Fast forward to the end of second year, I have amassed a lot of knowledge, not only technical, but also other important things which I am pretty sure I would not have obtained anywhere else. But yes, there is always an opportunity cost for everthing.

Well if you are wondering about what opportunity cost is and cannot do much about it, then here is your life saver. If you are wondering what the opportuniy cost is, then read ahead!

Once in IIT, you tend to get carried away by what everyone else does. Everyone studies for the sake of it, you do. Everyone picks up a Position of Responsibility, you do. Everyone stays up late at night, you do. Everyone hates mess food, you obviously do (athough you do not have any other option here). Everyone wants a non-core intern, you do. Everyone makes their personal website, you do :P. I doubt anyone wonders why they do what they do.